Seek Justice That You May Live: Reflections and Resources on the Bible and Social Justice, by John R. Donahue, SJ

A study of the major themes of both the Old and New Testament that bear on issues of social justice, e.g., creation; exodus; liberation; prophets; psalms and wisdom literature; Jesus and the Kingdom of God; Matthew and the heritage of Israel; Luke: Jesus as a Prophet who proclaims good news to the Poor; Paul justification and community solidarity. Concluding reflections are included.

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This work consists of reflections on each of these themes followed by resource bibliographies that will help people to continue their own study. The book has arisen from three decades of speaking and writing on the issues of social justice in the Bible and from engagement in over twenty-five Preaching the Just Word retreats founded by the late Walter Burghardt, SJ, and given to priests throughout the country.


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