Deconstructing Sacramental Theology and Reconstructing Catholic Ritual, by Joseph Martos

After carefully constructing Catholic teaching from the church’s own documents, Martos deconstructs it by demonstrating how biblical passages were misconstrued by patristic authors and how patristic writings were misunderstood by medieval scholastics. The long process of misinterpretation culminated in the dogmatic pronouncements of the Council of Trent, which continues to dominate Catholic thinking about the church’s religious ceremonies. If the sacraments are released from their dogmatic baggage, Martos believes that the spiritual realities they symbolize can be celebrated in any human culture without being tied to their traditional rites.

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Martos carefully sets forth Catholic teachings regarding the sacraments in this work. He then explains how many biblical passages were misconstrued by early authors, whose works were in turn misunderstood by scholastics of the middle ages. Those of the middle ages then became the foundation for documents developed at the Council of Trent. Martos suggests that releasing the sacraments from their historical baggage would allow the spiritual realities they symbolize to be celebrated more readily by people of any culture.


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